Look, readers! It's a woman with a goat! We are everywhere :) |
I've decided to repeat my own
Kiva giveaway giveaway.
But this one is specifically to contribute to Kiva's effort
to crowdfund $3M in loans to women by 8th March.
Time is short, so please share this giveaway in any way you can.
I'm cutting and pasting most of my original blog post about Kiva, because although I could always write it differently, I don't think I can write it any better. If you already know all about Kiva, you can zoom right to the bottom of this post.
So here goes:
Are you familiar with Kiva? Since 2005, this non-profit group has funded microloans all over the world by combining donations of $25 or more. Donors choose a loan they wish to contribute to, and after that loan is repaid, a donor can re-loan the original donation to another borrower!
All the screenshots are from the Kiva website.
They are very nice images; left-click to embiggen.
I love the fact that 100% of every donation goes to funding a loan. There is a separate option for donating to Kiva admin costs. This is brilliant. A $25 lender does not have to wonder how many of those dollars are really going to the designated borrower, because ALL the dollars are going there.
I love that Kiva does such a great job of making this program work. The repayment rate is 97.1%. That's due diligence, that is.
I love that more than 2 million loans have been made, in 83 countries, by 1.5 million lenders, to the tune of over 800 million dollars. Oh, and Kiva has a top rating on Charity Navigator.
It's an unusual experience, making a Kiva donation. Reading the borrower information is a tiny, unique window on ordinary lives around the world. There's much I wouldn't have imagined. And much as familiar as the view from my porch.
Maybe a cooperative group of farming women in Vietnam are adding to their small breeding herd of pigs. Or cattle. Or goats. Maybe an urban taxi driver needs to repair the vehicle that supports an extended family, or a shop owner needs enough capital to begin purchasing products at a lower bulk rate. Maybe someone is planting apple trees in Moldova, or growing a small business in California.
The Kiva website offers simple filters to help a donor find the loan they wish to support. Some search filters are geographical. Some filter by the purpose of the loan - such as agriculture, or retail business, or clean energy - or by characteristics of the borrower: elderly, single parent, individual/group, etc.
This new giveaway is for a $25 Kiva Gift Card
(purchased by me)
A small sample of loans currently gathering funds. |
If you have already donated to Kiva, the $25 will be added to your account. If you are new to Kiva, redeeming the gift card will set up your account. And in case you have concerns: in my experience, Kiva does not pester donors. I get an email periodically to let me know when a loan has received repayments, so I know when I have enough funds available to donate again - that's about it. And that's actually pretty nice.
Now, if you want to put your name in the hat for this all-new giveaway to mark International Women's Day 2017, here's what to do.
1) Leave a comment saying something relevant to International Women's Day.
It can be about something you do, personally, to support women.
It can be about a woman of the past or present whose life has inspired you.
It can be about a woman in your own life who has influenced you.
It can be about your own life experience and personal observations.
It can be What IWD2017 Means To Me, if that primes your writing pump.
Write a novella (like I do) or write two lines - doesn't matter. We all want to read what you want to write.
But in some way, your comment must thoughtfully relate to women, because the giveaway is for a Kiva loan TO a woman, in honor of International Women's Day. Okay?
Please feel free to share this giveaway, in any way you like. It's open to anyone on the planet, or on the International Space Station.
I'll do the random number thing at 5PM Eastern Time on the 8th.
Good luck!