I was a bit under the weather last week.
Nothing terrible, just a sore throat, thick head, and general malaise.
Nothing terrible, just a sore throat, thick head, and general malaise.
I managed to put one foot in front of the other Every Single Day through the most miserable, overheated deluge of a summer I've ever known. When the weather at last turned lovely, I spent several days doing a lot of this:
Fortunately, I had the very best of care.
By Friday, I was feeling much more myself, and trying to get caught up on everything that had slipped. Maybe I could have succeeded (hahaha - that was a joke) if I hadn't taken Saturday "off" and gone up to Vermont for the fiber fair in Tunbridge. It's the only annual fair that I try very hard to attend, because it includes the Cashmere Goat Association annual show. I want to support the CGA, and it's always helpful to see what goats from other herds look like, and learn a thing or two.
And, well...fiber. Right?
This year I had the rare opportunity to handle dozens of wool samples in John Crane's exhibit: Sheep Breeds: A World of Difference.
Here are two I've been very curious about:
The driving and the standing and walking and the 10-hour daytrip was a lot.
I'm still feeling it, but I'm glad I went.
And now I'm glad I'm home.
Even if it is raining again.