Monday, June 3, 2024


Did a little walk-around this afternoon with AM, the fellow who has helped me with a lot of work since 4 April; initially removing the tree from the barn, later organizing rental of a dumpster and directing the barn demolition, and amidst other tasks, tackling the priority issue of creating or improving temporary livestock shelters. Funny story: I had contacted him and introduced myself way back in March - remember March? when the barn was in one piece? - asking if he'd be interested in sawing up some fallen branches and boles in my Upper West Side paddock. We got on very well at our first meeting, and ended up walking the property while the conversation ranged into lots of possible projects. When he was leaving, he said, "Just call me when you decide what you want to do first," and I'll bet he was surprised when I called him a couple of weeks later and said, "I'd like to start with removing the tree that has fallen across my barn."

For weeks now I've been going round and round in my mind, wrestling with decisions about next steps. I'm determined to move forward soon, and it was good to walk around the shelters and the barn and the paddocks and have a natter about every option either of us could think of.
