Saturday, August 1, 2015

redrawing august

Remember #DrawingAugust 2014?

Well, I've signed on again. And if you have the inclination to join in, just follow that link back to Jean Stevens and ask her to add your name to the list so we all know how many people are playing along. And then put some sort of mark on some sort of paper each day in August, and post a snap on twitter with the hashtag #DrawingAugust.

It was so much fun last year, scrolling through the images posted each day. So many styles and subjects, and so much inspiration! I did not manage to post daily, but I did get into the habit of sketching more frequently than I've done in a long, long time. And it was enjoyable.

Off to a bit of a wobbly start today. Piper and I (and my sketchbook) headed for the pond, but as we got out of the car the blue sky suddenly went grey. A few minutes later, heavy rain began pouring straight down. Back in the car, I doodled with my colored pens - a birch branch hanging over the pond next to the car (seen through windshield wipers), and a red bee balm flower. But when the storm showed no sign of letting up, Piper and I headed back home and I posted this snap of my sketchbook.

I don't have a plan or theme for what to draw, but maybe it would be helpful. Or a list of subjects I could choose from at random. I'd really like to participate every day this year, even if it's just a 3-minute sketch...but sometimes it would be easier if there was an "assignment."

Does anyone want to join in?
If you do, we can cheer each other on :)
