Every now and then, a tweet really makes me think, or see something in a new way. I love that.
Today this popped up:
The tarantula is usually an elusive spider, but the males wander the foothills in the fall looking for mates.... http://t.co/XbTaM9iQ7A
— Sequoia & Kings Park (@SequoiaKingsNPS) October 17, 2013
Not the kind of image that usually comes to mind when I think of tarantulas.
Wandering the foothills in the fall, looking for mates.
I think it's the "wander the foothills" phrase. Those low, gentle hills, rising toward the mountains. From a tarantula-viewpoint, the foothills themselves must loom as high as mountains.
The rustle of drying underbrush and the clear golden autumn air.
I can see it, I can feel it.
I can relate.
Well done, National Park Service tweet-composer. You have changed my view of tarantulas. And in a good way.
Thank you! @QuinnPiper