Wednesday, March 15, 2017

wordless wednesday




  1. Betula assumes you mean him? We agree ;)

    1. He is a beauty, and with such a lovely smile. :)

    2. Bet is a very special fellow :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Tammy - I finished Wednesday evening chores over an hour ago, had supper, and I'm still feeling cold and tired. Hugs and warm wishes VERY welcome!

  3. Both the snow and Betula look beautiful! I hope that you are snuggled in for the night, recovering from a cold day out there. I know that it can't be easy to care for the goats in such deep snow!

  4. Ah ... so you got it good. Betula is giving you a priceless look. My goats & horse used to love playing in deep snow. Made chores more fun when the animals were so playful. I'm guessing you're not as impressed ;)

  5. How I hope that this is winter's last gasp and that spring will be not just something that shows up on the calendar page.

  6. Oh lordy, Quinn. That deep snow isn't a trifle and cause so much extra work and pain. I hope you're able to take aspirin or something for the pain. Aspirin is my BFF.


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