Monday, October 17, 2016

bit by bit

This time of year is beautiful.

Different views every day.
Bit by bit, the changes come.

It's also the season when I feel a constant awareness of the Before Winter list.
It isn't a written list.
It's everywhere I look.

There's much to be done outside, of course. But I'm also picking away at some of the seasonal indoor chores. "Eating down" the freezer so I can defrost and clean it. Moving everything away from the propane heater. Cleaning the heater. Lighting the pilot. Trying to decide where everything "goes" this Winter, and tidying up accordingly.

Tidying up. Cleaning house. A little at a time.
Not my favorite thing.
Not something I'm good at.
But I try.
Bit by bit.

Do you find that the first part of cleaning up usually creates a bigger - but different - mess than you started with? I haphazardly piled a lot of random things temporarily on the porch table. BIG mess. I sat down for a moment to ponder.

Art supplies. Seeds drying. Cones to draw. Winter squash. My microscope. A package waiting to be wrapped up for mailing. And...wait a minute...what?

Let's zoom in...

It's Supervisor Della.
Sitting on the windowsill, elbows on the table.
Examining the sunflower heads.

Counting the packages of curtain rods.
(Did I buy enough?)

Bringing in a colleague to consult.

Supervisor Moxie moves on to inspect the Candy Roaster squash.

As I took that picture, I realized the paper atop the squash was holding all my saved pumpkin seeds. I leaped up just in time to continue saving them.

These two are really keeping me on my toes!

And also keeping me company when none of us are on our toes:

I hope this season is beautiful in your neck of the woods!
