Wednesday, March 27, 2019

somewhat wordy wednesday

I'm sorry about the recent lack of updates - cashmere harvesting is well underway, and it's been a challenge just keeping up with daily chores. I've been trying to write ever since I posted that one photograph of Azalea with her newborn girl, but more than once in the past week I have actually fallen asleep while uploading photographs. Jolting awake because you start to fall over in your seat is a very unpleasant sensation, and I don't recommend it!


Here is one of my favorite pictures of Azalea and her little girl,
on the baby's first outing in the barn paddock at 3 days old:

And here is another picture of them, taken this morning:

I wonder what has captured their attention?

Could it be...

 ...another kid?

Vinca's boy was born Monday evening.

Today, both mamas brought their babies out of the barn and into the bright sunshine.
It was still below freezing, but the day gradually warmed up to around 40F.

The girl isn't wearing her jacket because she runs around like crazy outside.
She still wears it at night, though - it's gotten down as low at 18F this week. 

In case you are wondering about names, so am I!
As I've mentioned before, all the goats born here have been named for something that was either blooming or leafing out when they were born.
You can imagine the difficulty I'm having in coming up with suitable names for these two, with the ground still mostly frozen.
Will I have to change my naming system?
I'd rather not.
Feel free to make suggestions.
I'm thinking of calling my BFF (Best Forester Friend) and asking if he's seen something I've missed. Even bud-break would qualify at this point!

Meanwhile, right on schedule at 10 days old,
Azalea's daughter tackled Goat Mountain for the first time:

And at not even 2 days old, Vinca's boy was doing extremely well learning to manage those long legs while climbing around the many obstacles in the paddock:

When Vinca was calling him this evening, I pointed out that
her baby had already put himself to bed in the barn.
He must have had the most exciting day of his life :)
