Wednesday, November 1, 2023


2 April 2012 - 26 October 2023

Baby Acer tackling Goat Mountain...
...and reaching the summit.

Acer the Maple Man and Betula the Birch Boy,
with mum LeShodu, Day 5...

...and a couple of years later.

Second birthday pictures:

Acer at 4 years, 2016:

Always the first to shed: 10 Feb 2016

Nearly nine years old, Feb 2021:

Acer and Betula enjoying bittersweet in the Pocket Paddock,
30 June 2013...

...and 1st October 2023.

Acer's last three months have been filled with extra meals, lots of  treats, a wide variety of fallen leaves to browse, and many hours of companionship and special attention every single day.
Some of those days were sunny.

Good boy, Acer. It's been a pleasure.