Sunday, February 2, 2025


At 7:37AM the first bright gleam of sunlight appeared between the trees, over the stone wall, on the north side of the little roundtop by the barn. The stone wall on the east edge of my property runs north-south, and for months the sun has been appearing over the stone wall on the south side of the roundtop. By midsummer the sun will be rising so far to the north along the wall that I will only catch that first moment of light through the forest if I am already outside at dawn. Fortunately, I very often am outside at dawn. 

It's well below zero F again this morning, and after just one rainy day last week my world is now entirely encased in frozen snow and ice. In particular, all my chore paths are now ice. Regardless: the first morning when I see that sudden bright gleam on the north edge of the roundtop is always a thrill. 

Well, it's time to dust off the ice cleats. Here's hoping we all stay on our feet today.



  1. It's good that we have markers to show the progress towards warmer weather. Stay safe!

  2. By all means stay on your feet! Ice is no fun. We've finally gotten a reprieve from the icy cold, although the wind continues to remind us it's still winter.

  3. Yaktrax rule! I watch for those signs of movement, too, where the sun appears, shadows in different places each morning.

  4. Sounds pretty. And yay for sun (we've noticed it's not so dark at 5pm).


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