Tuesday, January 28, 2025

the pears of january


Markmaking took a fruity turn in January.

It wasn't a deliberate thing.

I just drew a pear one night. 
This pear:

And then it happened a few more times.

It's an addictive shape to draw, I think.

People use the term "pear-shaped" like it's a negative thing, but now that I've discovered how much fun it is to draw and paint pears, I have a genuine appreciation of the shape. It's a perfect thing to draw when you don't know what to draw.

In fact, the next time someone tells me they "can't" draw,
I will suggest they draw a few pears.
Who knows where it might lead?


  1. Pears are a wonderful eloquent shape. I've done my share of them. Then you can eat your model!

  2. Replies
    1. Maybe a pear-themed quilt to complement the citrus, which I still think about?

  3. These are wonderful, Quinn. Of them all, I love the first simple line sketch best. SO peary! It's interesting how all your drawings are pear-shaped, but each pear is slightly differently pear-shaped. If that makes any sense...

    Chris from Boise

    1. It really does make sense, as they are different varieties of pear! Thank you :)

  4. Each pear is different, just like in nature. Have you tried pear slices in a grilled cheese sandwich?

    1. I've had pears and cheese together but never in a grilled sandwich. Sounds delicious! Now on my list.

  5. Your drawings are so very like the real thing. I can just about taste that juicy goodness.

  6. Love your pears! I can never eat the pears I buy without first doing a few sketches. Irresistible!


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