Sunday, January 26, 2025

old snap

This snap was taken on January 23, 2022. I couldn't get a better one yesterday, but also couldn't wait to share the good news.

The bluebirds appeared yesterday!

For weeks I've been adding a small percentage of mealworms to the daily sunflower seed in the big feeder so that if the bluebirds came back they would find the welcome mat in place. This week I also put up the little blue tray feeder and started filling it with mealworms. The only noticeable result - before yesterday - was that I now have at least one titmouse addicted to expensive mealworms, darn it, and a grey squirrel who will leap from a tree to that little feeder and then use it's whole face to push a shower of expensive mealworms onto the ground below in case there was a sunflower seed hidden beneath the mealworms. Grrrr. I always provide a generous scatter of sunflower seed first thing in the morning for all the squirrels, and I thought we had a deal.

Anyway, I was beside myself with joy when I caught the first glimpse of a bluebird yesterday, then two more. I'm smiling right now, just writing this. I'll try to get some new snaps to share soon.



  1. That's a wonderful report! Despite the side effects of other birds eating above their station😉

    1. Dried up mealworms are the Swiss Gruyère of bird snacks!

  2. You are so lucky!!!! I have never seen any in real life although I know they do come to this area. There's actually a sanctuary for them about 20 miles north of us and every time we drive through I'm on the lookout but haven't caught sight of one yet.

    1. It's only been in the past few years that I've had them here, and only in the middle of Winter. I'm trying to encourage them to keep me on their travel map :)

  3. So wonderful! They are, in my view, the sweetest of birds.
    Can Spring be too far behind?

    1. I'm afraid it can, yes ;) At least way up here; your garden will be lush and growing before I can even put seeds in the ground. But since I only see the bluebirds in midwinter, it's become a real highlight of the season.

  4. How exciting! I haven't seen any, but I'll need to keep my eyes out.

  5. So sweet. I'm finding lots of little cracked eggs on the ground here that fall from the trees when hatchlings make their way into the world.

    1. I often find empty eggshells here, too. I wish I was better at spotting nests, but I'm not at all. It's like the birds just materialize out of the ether.

  6. WOW!!! I still find midwinter bluebirds hard to believe. What are they thinking? But whatever they're thinking, I am so glad they show up for you now. And you are there, welcome mat out, when they come.

    Chris from Boise


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