Sunday, March 17, 2024


Do you try to take the maximum possible satisfaction from even the simplest or tiniest improvements? This is my latest:

Decanting a hoof treatment from the big, messy, hard to control containers it comes in, to these:

25 ml plastic bottles that will fit in a pocket and administer the small amount needed to the exact spot where it's meant to go.

Ten minutes well spent.

What little changes have made you hugely happy?



  1. That's great. So much easier for several reasons. For me it's usually finally doing a tiny job taking thirty seconds that I've been just not doing for ages. Today: toss a plant cutting that wasn't making it, emptying the container. Weeks. Maybe not even thirty, more like twenty seconds.

    1. Huzzah, Liz! I relate to this in every way, especially the "just not doing for ages" part.

  2. Happy Being Happy!

    I'm a lazy form filler outer and send back person. My handwriting even goes wonky when I have to fill out forms.
    Whining, I reluctantly caved and went throught the Adobe downloads and such to send a renewal form in. They called. The form they received is blank. In order for Adobe to release the form I was led to believe I can do onlline, you have to pay for the Adobe service. So, I email, please send me a hard copy of the form to fill out.
    I wait and wait, and finally a letter....they can't make a determination because my form is missing information.
    I am happy because the delay this time is not my fault.
    I found a 12 muffin pan at the thrift store. I'll spray paint the old 6 muffin pan to use for beading.
    My smart TV can now pick up 6 stations instead of 4.

  3. Yay for simple solutions. I've been spending time organizing my scraps and stash by color. I'm hoping that will help with my next project!

    1. I bet it will! Organizing things like stash is always time-consuming but usually with a big pay-off. Last year I gathered up all my seed packets and made a spreadsheet - took hours, but really helped me stay on top of things. This year it took me only ten minutes to review and update the spreadsheet so I could start planning Gardens 2024. So satisfying :)

  4. Sometimes the simple solutions take awhile to come to us and then we wonder why we didn't think of it before.
    I would have to say my most recent solution involves housecleaning my fabric stash that I have earmarked for use in landscapes. Instead of sorting all my fabrics by colour into big Rubbermaid bins why don't I sort them according to what area of the landscape they would most be used. ie. sky fabrics vs. water; grass fabrics vs. trees. One of those 'doh' moments that seemed so basic and yet why it eluded me for so long is a mystery.

    1. That's an interesting approach! I hope it turns out to be really helpful!


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