Tuesday, February 20, 2024

zipping right along

February is zipping right along, that is. Not me.

But I'm keeping up. Just.

We've been having some cold days, but clear, mostly. Cold but not windy, mostly. Cold but sunny, mostly. It's been, in other words, an exceptionally fine February so far.

Which is great, because regardless of the weather, or how I happen to be feeling physically, I'm outside and in motion for a minimum of two hours every  morning and every evening. The goats provide the core of my personal healthcare system, and I'm grateful for the incentive.

red maple, on a day when it was warm enough to hold a pencil

I've started to write a blog post at least four times after evening chores in the past two weeks, and each time have fallen asleep over the laptop. Or, more accurately, under the laptop. Actually, under the laptop and two cats. It's an easy way to fall asleep, I suppose, if one is very thoroughly tired. But it's certainly a strange way to wake up.

So even if this post is only a jumble of random jottings, I am going to post it before evening chores today. And I'll add equally random snaps. Like these:

And these:
vase, view 1

vase, view 2

And in conclusion, two short random notes:

  • Good news follow-up: I took delivery of three additional pallets of chaffhaye, and the forklift operator got them close to the barn. This makes every single day easier for me: there's still wrestling and sweating and occasional swearing involved, but no sledding or dragging through gates.Those 90 bales should take us to May Day.
  • A happy "find:" the field technician who got my internet and phone line reconnected a few weeks ago dropped his (quite costly) Leatherman tool into deep snow whilst repeatedly to-ing and fro-ing between his truck and my house. He looked, I looked. He thought they would probably be near the pole where he reconnected the line. I thought they would probably be near the stone wall he scrambled over to take a shortcut. Well, I was able to give him some good news this week:

they were in the garden

I hope your days are full of good news and happy finds.



  1. I was wondering how you were, and if you had been hit by the snow last weekend. Sounds like it missed you?
    You really do work hard. All that hay to move...I can hardly lift a bale anymore. I cannot imagine trying to do all you do.
    Take care, and let's both keep our eyes open for signs of spring!

    1. The most recent "big" predicted snowstorm brought strong winds but just an etching of snow. There have been a couple of light snows since - a couple of inches each - which is actually helpful for sledding grocery deliveries up the driveway.

  2. Just wondering - what is a gold-green whelk doing on your britches?

    Yay for chaffhaye, lost-and-found Leatherman tools, and bluebirds!

    I need to borrow your goats (and tons of chaffhaye) for my exercise program.

    Chris from Boise

    1. That whelk fooled me with it's fungi disguise! Chris, you are very welcome to participate in my goat-based exercise program, but some travel is involved. Hmm. Maybe I could offer guest stays as a "rustic Kripalu" ?

    2. Boy, I had to work hard to convince my eyes that it's a fungus in whelk disguise.

      Hmmm...rustic Kripalu - I like the ring of that...

    3. I had to squint to see the whelk! Now I can see it on the green side, but not the brown :)

    4. Whoops - not until I read your reply #2 did I realize one photo was from the top (whelk) and the other the bottom (fungus). It does help to embiggen them...:-)

  3. I sometimes wonder how I manage to keep up with the month too! Our February has been mild sunny temps, but the cold wind negates the pleasure of enjoying it as such. I so agree about having goats. They are excellent motivation for being out and active.

  4. Yay for good news. Fun pictures. I like your bluebirds.

  5. How I wish I would be lucky enough to see a bluebird. They have a nesting area not too far north of here but I've never been able to see any.
    Are you still having to pick through the chaffhaye? It's to be seriously hoped for better weather for real hay this year.

  6. This post has just now shown up, the unsearchable ways of blogger. We have local blue birds, but not near our houses. I see them at the preserve.


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