Monday, July 17, 2023

tiny time-savers

Subheading: internet

I remember watching the first real-time transfer of vast amounts of data between a field station computer in Puerto Rico and my lab computer in Massachusetts, and commenting that our collective sense of Time was in the process of a radical shift.

Because when something proves repeatable, the initially miraculous becomes the generally expected, doesn't it? And in my lifetime I can't think of anywhere that has been more in-our-face apparent than with computers, first, and then in a exponential expansion, with the internet.

But I still treasure the discoveries that make routine things a little bit more efficient. Or just easier. And even if I'm very late to the party, my discoveries are still exciting (to me) and that is why I share them. Because even if it's probable that Everyone already knows these things...maybe they don't?

So here are two tiny things that make my computer time a bit more pleasant and efficient. First: the option to Close All Tabs To The Right. I often have a dozen or more tabs open on my laptop, usually because of sites like Etsy that automatically open every click in a new tab. Or blogs that have a lot of links I want to look at, but only after I've finished reading the blog, so I open each one in a new tab while I continue reading, and then visit all those tabs. Anyway, I recently discovered that right-clicking in any Tab - in the actual tab - offers the option of closing ALL the tabs to the right of the one I'm clicking. Does it save much time? Well, it saves a little. And that clean sweep is very satisfying.

Right-clicked in the jigsaw tab; bottom selection in the drop-down menu.
This is Chrome, but the option is also in Edge and Foxfire, so I'm guessing it's widely available.

Here's my second discovery. I use YouTube a lot these days. For entertainment but also for recipes, for DIY tutorials, and for reviews when I'm considering buying something (most recently a hose nozzle that Does Not Drip, and that search continues so please recommend your favorite). Anyway, some videos on YouTube are good but a bit long/slow, or have frustratingly poor production values, or contain way more repetitious detail than I need. So I play them at 1.25 speed. Or even 1.5 speed. Does it save much time? Yes. And it makes many videos a lot more watchable, at least for me.

I've set my audiobook playback speed based on narrator, for many years. But it took me a long time to think, "I wish YouTube had this option." Then it took me an additional 5 seconds to think, "I'll bet YouTube does have this option." Boom.

Click the Settings gear at the bottom of the screen,
hit the Playback Speed arrow, and choose. 

Now, what time-savers do you use that you think everyone else already knows about but maybe we (or at least, I) do not? Please share!



  1. I count on that playback speed in a number of apps. Usually I have to set British speech at .75, to have any hope of following it. It's partly a function of different recording equipment, partly the rapid speech. Also when I'm learning a fiber arts technique, I slow down playback even further! And I either turn on or off captioning, depending on how accurate it is. Off if it's more comic relief than explanatory. But some presenters do their own captioning, the ones who know what they're doing. Yay.

    I'm comparatively computer literate, especially in my age group, have been for decades. But I can still get childish pleasure out of getting it to do what I ask!

    1. I also slow videos down when I'm trying to learn a technique. And oh my, I agree about captioning! It can be excellent or nonsensical - not much in between.

  2. I did not know either of these things!

    I suppose the time-saver I use often is ctrl+f on text pages. That way I can zero in on a particular key word without having to read or scan through wordy articles

  3. I keep forgetting that YouTube has that option.

    I have some tabs that are open all the time. Firefox has an option to pin tab, so it stays to the left as a smaller tab. I also have firefox to reopen with the same tabs open as when I closed it (very helpful if I suddenly have to reboot - I don't have to try to remember what I was in the middle of reading!).

    1. Oh, that's very interesting about the pinned mini-tabs! I had to install both Edge and Firefox in desperation a few months ago, when my library app (Libby) suddenly started locking up when I was listening to an audiobook. I've just started using Firefox regularly for a couple of things, so I'll try both your tips, thanks :)

  4. Hmm, no tricks I can think of. I use my phone so much more than my laptop these days. I watch very little YouTube, and can't stand most tutorials, although some have indeed been helpful. But recipes? Give me the written version every time. Guess I am just old-fashioned.

    1. I have a big box of recipe books and single recipes, but honestly haven't used them in ages. Still can't manage to toss them, though - and I've tried! So much history in that box. I'll bet you know lots more about using a cellphone than I ever did. I didn't do much internetting on it because my eyes need the "big" screen of the laptop.

  5. Thank you for the right-click tab tip - a new one for me. I used the speed adjustment in YouTube a lot during the screech owl escapades, both to fast-forward through hours of videos and to slow down the interesting bits. (Speaking of the owls, they went silent immediately after fledging until last night. We have no idea if they hung around "home" or went off adventuring through the neighborhood for the last few weeks. Last night we heard at least two fledglings and at least one adult chattering away in the backyard - whew!).

    I recently learned ctrl-f, and use it a lot now. For the life of me, I can't come up with any other useful tricks, though surely we must know some...

    Chris from Boise

    1. Glad to hear your owls are back! It's always nice when they "come home to roost," isn't it?

  6. Interesting to know about the playback speed, not that I spend a whole lot of time watching videos. I rarely share them on my blog either, mainly because I don't watch them myself. I tend to do the same things over and over on the computer and don't wander off into uncharted territory, mainly because I no longer have a handy computer guru to fix what I'm liable to mess up.

    1. I understand about sticking with what works - until it suddenly doesn't. Bluetooth has disappeared from my HP Spectre and, since the last time I did an upgrade my laptop became totally inaccessible(!!!) and I had to hire help, I am extremely reluctant to try to fix the BT situation with a recommended "upgrade."


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