Tuesday, July 11, 2023

and inhale

The weather has been complicating daily life here for a while now. It's a waste of time to complain about weather but the simple fact is, there is nothing - not one thing - made easier in my life by rain. So when it goes on for days and weeks, it becomes wearing. Even the goats have been uncharacteristically subdued, when they are not being frustrated and short-tempered. It's a tough emotional range. I understand completely.


Today the sun (the sun!) is shining and the sky is astonishingly clear. There's a breathability to the atmosphere that has all the exquisite quality of a very fine wine. Even more exquisite to me, since I rarely drink wine these days, and I breath frequently.

When I stepped outside this morning I stopped dead in my tracks, inhaled, and sighed in relief. "Let's savor this, shall we, goats?" I called out to the herd. "Let's all live in the moment and breath frequently!"

By the way, do these look different than my usual line drawings? They do to me. Back in June I tried a "micro tip brush pen." I thought it would be like my longtime favorite Micron 0.25mm pens, just with a bendy feel because of the brush tip. Well, it is certainly bendy but not very micro. At first it felt like drawing with a fat Sharpie. I stuck with it, adjusted my approach, and began aiming for quick, bold lines, instead of my usual slow, delicate lines. It's been a really useful exercise.

These flowers - daylilies, milkweed, spiderwort - were drawn from photographs taken during the rare moments in the past two weeks when it was not raining. Even so, every flower in every photograph was wearing raindrops. I don't want to sound mean about it, but I felt no inclination to include the raindrops in the drawings.

I decided to post a few of these drawings because this afternoon I did something I haven't been able to do in weeks: I took my sketchbook outside, sat in a dry chaise, chatted with several goats who ambled cheerfully over to see what I was up to, and made this sketch of one of the black birches:

It was such a relief.
Just like breathing.



  1. I definitely like this newly developing line, much livelier. Yes

  2. "Let's all live in the moment and breath frequently!" - Yes!

    I like these bolder lines, but I also like the slow, delicate ones. It must have been lovely to sit in a dry (!) chaise and draw plein air (I hope that's the artistically correct way to describe what you did with that black birch).

    Chris from Boise

    1. Thanks, Chris! I wonder if the next step is a bucket of paint, a wallpaper brush, and the side of the goat barn ;)

  3. Oh my. That much rain--reminds me of last spring here. And July was right rainy too, as I recall, although not nearly what you have been having. I like the sketches, but admit I prefer your usuL delicate touch.

    1. Thanks, Susanna - that very fine line still feels most natural to me. I only began to enjoy this brush pen when I used it to sketch van Gogh's pollarded tree a while ago :)

  4. Rain, even though it's a necessary thing, gets you down after awhile. These days it seems to be either feast or famine for pretty much any weather. Hopefully you (and the goats) will get some respite and some sun.

    1. Today was the first day in I don't know how long that we had an entire day without rain, and I went out and shifted goats around so that everyone could stretch their legs, stand on solid ground, and sleep in the sun. They did not leap around in joy - in fact, they were very quiet and reluctant to move beyond their now very restricted shelter zones. I realized it would probably take a few days for them to feel normal again, but tomorrow the rain is due back.


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