Monday, May 2, 2016

murky monday

Mourning Dove

It rained yesterday.
It's raining today.


The forecast is rain for the next six days.


Chipping Sparrow

So to keep our spirits up, here are a few snaps taken way back when the sky was not grey and the air was not clammy and raw.
About two days ago. 


Thank you for helping me with "what shall I draw?"
I really appreciate it! This "poll" gadget is new to me, and last night I discovered that correcting a typo in 
my original post somehow broke the buttons on the poll. Oops. I quickly rebuilt it and posted the replacement. Fortunately I had looked at the poll results just before fixing the typo, so I jotted down those numbers to add to later counts.

Last night, tree was well ahead of the other choices, followed by leaf. But tonight bird has sailed to the front! So exciting! I was beginning to feel a little sorry for stone and landscape and boat, but now they each have one vote. And after reading Maywyn's intriguing comment, I googled and learned the trick of figure-eights and boats. Who knew?

This little poll is turning out to be fun, which is especially welcome on such a gloomy day. I'm going to leave it up til tomorrow then add the numbers and get out my sketchbook.
Thanks again!

Meanwhile, here's one more cheery bird:
Purple Pomegranate Finch
Thanks :)


  1. It was gloomy here today too, but sunshine burst out just before it fell below the horizon (figures). Those are some nice shots of the birds. I agree with renaming the purple finch, although I've always thought he was quite raspberry flavoured (I mean "coloured").

  2. Today there were six count them, all at once myrtle warblers pecking and flittering in the remaining branch of the wild cherry. Unheard of, though this is warbler migration season. Had I your skills and camera, I could show you! Meanwhile, I thought of you as I watched them from the bedroom window, perfect viewing spot, close up but they're unaware.

  3. Loved seeing the different birds you see in your garden, we don't have that Purple finch here, we do have a big one called the Haw-finch, but the colouring is totally different.

  4. Gloom is good when there's a bit of sun forecast.
    Nice photos. How about a bird on a boat near a tree over hang with a stony shoreline? :)

  5. You make me want to put a bird feeder up again! We haven't had one for years but I miss seeing the birds so close to the house.

  6. SIX days! Oh my. You have some great birds there. Our mourning doves haven't arrived yet. Soon! I hope your forecasters are wrong, wrong, wrong. Six days is too long without sun. I like Maywyn's comment too! A project for those rainy days!

    1. It's Day Four, and the rain has been intermittent but no sun yet! The daily challenge is getting all the goats tied for their buckets and fed, between drizzles and drips. And trying to stay on my feet in the slippery mud. Fingers crossed!

  7. Love "Pomegranate Finch" the best!! Quinn, how can I get your posts delivered straight to my mailbox? I hardly ever check the "reader" link on my blog so I don't know when you post. Judy

    1. Thanks for asking, Judy! I just added a "Follow by Email" option in the sidebar - please let me know if it works :)

  8. Such beautiful birds! Wish you could send some of that rain up here to Alberta.

    1. I heart goes out to all the lives affected by the wildfires.


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