Wednesday, August 14, 2013

wordless wednesday



  1. Beautiful photos! I especially like the berries. Are they buffalo berries or maybe currants?

    Sorry to be MIA for a while. I was traveling far away from internet access.

    1. Hope you all had a nice time on your travels!
      The bright red berries are bunchberries - Cornus canadensis. Now I have to figure out the id of the fruiting shrub in the next-to-last picture - I have no idea what it is!

  2. Now you have shamed me. My dog's head and face are a mass of tangled ringlets, she HATES having her head combed :-O
    Big kiss for the smartly turned out Miss Piper x

    1. The season of sticky seedpods and burrs has just begun here, so we're trying to keep up. Piper has a lot of long, wispy bits, and once a tangle starts, nobody is happy with the combing!

  3. One Word Wednesday - for that top photo - LOVE!


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