Friday, October 11, 2024

didn't see this coming

Had a long-awaited/dreaded dental appointment on Tuesday morning which turned out to be only a detailed consultation. A friend gave me a ride home, dropping me at the mailbox, and I walked up the driveway, mail in hand, coat folded over arm, thinking about all the afternoon tasks I could now tackle without the expected complication of a sore mouth. Got to my door and fumbled for the keys in my trouser pocket, but they weren't there. Had that awful "oh no, there isn't even an unlocked window to climb through" feeling before realizing with relief that the keys must be in my coat pocket. Whew. Awkwardly crossed my arms and twisted around to the left to reach the pocket in my coat without dropping the mail. You can picture this, right? All perfectly normal. Then the edge of my right foot slipped off the doorstep, and I fell, hard, on my right side, slamming into the edge of a concrete platform and dislocating my right shoulder.

After several highly memorable hours in the ER, the shoulder was back in place, and now I'm wearing a sling when I'm up and about, and trying not to use that arm At All until an appointment with an orthopedic person next Thursday. Apparently once a shoulder has been dislocated, it has more of a tendency to dislocate again - something I fervently wish to avoid - so I'm doing my very best to follow instructions.

I have had lots to think about since Tuesday and ordinary life is slightly more challenging right now but I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for your responses to my previous post. Some losses hit harder than others, and Betula is a very hard loss. Your kind thoughts are much appreciated.


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