Sunday, August 25, 2024

between the rains

For weeks, it seems plants have been waiting for the sun.
The jewelweed, usually knee-high or maybe waist-high, is over my head in places - 
but has barely bloomed at all.
Even the stalwart anise hyssop has not been creating its usual sea
of bee-dizzying purple flowers.
And so many blueberries are still green or a bit red,
hanging on, waiting to ripen.

But now...
we've had a bit of sun, and the purple of anise hyssop
and the orange of jewelweed are beginning to appear.
The first few Chelone buds are opening:

Today is the third day in a row that we've had little or no rain, just a light rainfall during the night, or a passing shower in the afternoon.
It's been glorious, and I have been spending the entire day outside, including hours each day spent lounging around in the little screentent that is temporarily set up on the deck of the barn. Listening to audiobooks, markmaking, spending quality time with Moxie and Della, enjoying visits from the goats and the hens, and watching the clouds pass slowly over the treetops in a rare blue sky.

Of course there have been the usual chores throughout the day, plus the "extras" of shifting goats around in various groups so everyone can have peaceful access to the Pocket Paddock - inaccessible during wet weather - where a bittersweet and forsythia browsing opportunity awaits. But I've certainly not been knocking myself out with labor the past few days.

And - full disclosure - I'm alright with that.



  1. No rain days are a treat.
    No mud makes the world feel new!

  2. The screen tent sounds like a perfect place to spend some r&r time. I must look up anise hyssop, it sounds very pretty.
    Still no rain here, so I am not planting anything, a rarity for me as I am usually putting out mums and a few fall veggies about now.

  3. Our jewelweed has also been small and not many blossoms. I hadn't thought about the weather affecting that. My tomatoes did less than stellar this year and the cukes have acted weird. Definitely enjoy the weather while it lasts!

  4. Seize the moment! Enjoy those rays.

    Chris from Boise

  5. Seems like plants across the board haven't been doing what they usually do. RC is most upset that his little balcony garden didn't produce much this year. Normally we have prolific amounts of lettuce (he succession plants) but not this year. His tomatoes are done already (normally they last well into September) and he was only able to harvest the herbs twice. It seemed like the summer had sufficient rain (at least here) and only a short period or two of high heat, but it seems the plants weren't thrilled. Oh well, there's always next year.


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