Saturday, June 1, 2024

extremely green

We've reached the point where most of the trees' leaves are past the soft stage, and many are now deeper shades of green than they were even a week ago. Every window in my house looks into a sea of greens. And outside, my main chaise view is up into layer after layer of beech, maple, oak, and hemlock branches. Very many very greens.

It's a nice way to start the month of June. Gazing into green.



  1. June can be lovely. Here it's starting out with a lovely day, much green and sunshine.

  2. Funny, I posted a photo of greens on Facebook today. All the shades, subtle variations and shapes! Ah, June.

  3. I love all the wonderful different greens in the spring and sometimes think they're even prettier than the much-lauded colours of fall.


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