Thursday, January 18, 2024

they came back

Even in the middle of a dense snowstorm...

...a bird's gotta eat!

The evening of the first big storm, the bluebirds returned! 
They've been here every day since.



  1. Something cheerful! Thank you.

  2. Nice! They are a beatiful bird.
    I have a feeder like that. The squirrel likes to snack from there.
    What a treat to have blue birds in your area.

    1. My squirrels like to snack from every feeder, even the "squirrel-proof" model, which challenges even their amazing athleticism but certainly does not stop them.

  3. How special, Quinn! We used to have them in winter, but not now since we had to stop feeding the birds due to the jump in seed cost and problems with squirrels, chipmunks, mice and rats. I sure miss my birds though.

    1. I take advantage of sales, but it's an expense, for sure. I enjoy the birds so much, though - and to an extent, the squirrels - that I justify the expenditure as my "entertainment budget."

  4. Excellent. How unexpected. I've been seeing white throated sparrows lately (not as pretty as your bluebirds!).

    1. I haven't seen any white-throated sparrows yet this year, but my fingers are crossed! They are lovely little birds :)

  5. Ho-ly-cow!!! (jaw drops). Are you offering mealworms? Suet? Other???

    Chris from Boise

    1. Yes, mealworms purchased specifically for the bluebirds - and early robins in the Spring - and there's always a suet cake up for the woodpeckers and others. Plus dehulled sunflower seed for the general population. The bluebirds visit the suet and sunflower feeders as well, which surprised me after everything I've read about their reliance on mealworms. And now I've got three starlings who are hoovering up the mealworms, so feeder redesigns may be coming soon.

    2. Huh, I'm not too surprised at the suet feeders, but the sunflower feeder - you have talented bluebirds with eclectic tastes! Good luck with the feeder redesign!

      Chris from Boise

  6. How lovely to see bluebirds! Supposedly they're around this area but I've never seen one. Today it's been really cold here and our suet feeder has been well-used by the little downy woodpeckers and the nuthatches.

    1. They love that suet! I see 4 varieties of woodpecker on my single suet feeder some days - those black and white feathers are very nearly as dazzling as the blue :)


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