Monday, December 11, 2023

revisiting the giveaway giveaway

I am not giving away this book!

This lovely book arrived in the mail today - a cookbook co-authored by Appalachia blog-pal Tipper Pressley, from Blind Pig and the Acorn. It was one of the prizes in Tipper's November daily giveaway, and I was thrilled to win it. This book was a long time in the works, and a labor of love. It was worth the wait.

Tipper called this one of the "flawed" copies; i.e., a copy that was scuffed or damaged in some way between publisher and sale, or else one where Tipper or co-author Jim Casada made some sort of error in the signing of the book. My copy is one of the latter category, and I was tickled to bits to see the abbreviated inscription "To Glenda from" which must have been the point at which an error was noticed.

I think "Glenda" may become my alternate identity.   

Winning this prize made me realize that it's been quite a while since I've done a giveaway here on Comptonia. 

Long-time readers may recall the Kiva giveaways - here's a link to the first one, which describes Kiva in detail - which everyone seemed to enjoy whether they won or not. Which is perfect. So I'm going to do that again.

I'll prepay a Kiva loan of $25, and the winner of the giveaway will choose the recipient. It's a giveaway of a giveaway. Okay? Okay!

To enter, just leave a comment on this post, before the 18th of December.

Now, I don't know how many people are reading my blog these days. I know I lost a great many long-time readers during the extended hiatus following Piper's death. I am grateful for those who have returned - or appeared - and especially those of you who leave comments, which enliven my workaday life considerably. I'm hoping some visitors who have not left a comment yet, may feel inclined to do so this time. Oh, and please feel free to share this with anyone you think might be interested in Kiva.

If only a couple of people leave a comment, that's just fine. But if a few more can be gently coaxed out from reader-only status into reader-and-commenter status, well, that will be a gift to me. 

Which will be especially timely - just like receiving Tipper's book today! - because tomorrow is my birthday.

Okay. On the 18th, one week from today, I'll do a random draw, post the results on the blog, and email the Kiva info to the winner who will have the fun of choosing a recipient. And I'll tell you in advance: if you've never done a Kiva loan before, you are in for a treat.



  1. I already wished you a happy approximate birthday, but here's a more accurate wish! And I hope you have a great trip around the sun!

  2. Happy Birthday Eve! Tomorrow is my birthday also, so I will think about you as I have my quiet little celebration! Oh, and you didn’t lose me during the hiatus — I looked for you every day! Cam

    1. Cam, that is such a nice thing to say - thank you! And my Occasional Helper's birthday is also the 12th, so apparently it's a popular choice for nice people :)

  3. Happy Birthday for tomorrow!

  4. Okay, I'm confused, but maybe that's because I'm only halfway finished on my first cup of coffee for the morning. But tomorrow is today, which means it's your birthday. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  5. Happy birthday, dear Quinn! I hope you are warm, well, and dry today! The book looks like a real treasure. Lucky you for winning it.

    1. Thank you - you've hit three important features, there! And I am really looking forward to trying some of Tipper and Jim's recipes :)

  6. That book looks like a perfect birthday gift for yourself. Enjoy your special day!! Hope there are some special treats in store - something a little more fun than carrot pennies perhaps?

  7. Happy Birthday!
    Do good things for yourself
    Years ago I won a set of wonderful wools stars you gave away. They are a favorite holiday decoration.

    1. I'm so glad you are enjoying the stars from the Snow Leopard Trust folks - I keep some up year-round now, because I've found they reduce the number of birds that bang into my windows!

  8. Happy birthday, Quinn and Cam! Enjoy that book!

    Chris from Boise

    1. I don't have a good record for following recipes exactly, but I'm going to try! ;)

  9. Yes! I remember your first giveaway. I have been giving and regiving my first $25 on Kiva since then (and I've added to it here and there). :-)

    Happy Birthday!

    1. Thanks Sally! I think Kiva is such a great idea :)

  10. Happy Birthday! Long time reader, occasional commenter!


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