Thursday, August 10, 2023


I am so happy that the struggling bean plants are producing beans!

The first big bowl of beans salad lasted about 36 hours, which included one breakfast and one midnight snack. I've already picked another batch for the second bowl. This may not be a highly productive year for beans, but I'm grateful for every one. It doesn't feel like Summer until there's a bowl of beans salad in the fridge

In other gardening news, my Occasional Helper was here this morning and we worked in the terrace garden, leveling another section about six feet square using muck from the South Paddock and old hay bedding from the Peace Pavilion. And I carefully cleared away - using my pocket knife, the smallest machete in the world - all the other plants that have been growing around three little blueberry bushes purchased last year. They are still tiny bushes, but they managed to hang on through Winter and "Spring" and are really starting to grow.

I keep yawning so wide my eyes are watering - I could fall asleep at 4 in the afternoon! But I'm going to have to shake off this lethargy and try to soak Mallow's sore hoof. Mallow is unlikely to consider this is a great idea, and he's a chunky fellow with a lot of opinions, so it may not go well. Must try though, as he's been favoring a hoof for several days and two treatments with my usual hoof medications haven't helped. On to Plan C.



  1. I hope it went well with Mallow. Sounds tricky! Your bean salad looks delicious. It has been years since I made that.

    1. Mallow is not the easiest goat to work with, and of course no one wants to be pestered when they're in pain. But if we have to do this daily for a while, maybe all the treats (and pain medication) will help make it a bonding experience. Signed, The Eternal Optimist :)

  2. Oddly, I heartily dislike green and yellow beans, unless they're in bean salad. We don't have any in our little balcony garden so have to rely on the canned versions. (as a little aside, we love to put pineapple in ours).
    Hope Mallow feels better soon and that the wrangling wasn't too traumatic for either of you.

  3. Belatedly - I hope the Mallow hoof treatment is going well. Have you figured out what it is?

    Chris from Boise

    1. PS yay beans! I hope hope hope the plants survive the Tree Adventure.


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