Sunday, August 6, 2023

farm report





A few days with some sun, and the new raised beds are full of activity.

Dear Gardening Pals, I need advice about radishes, please. In the snap below, does the long stem below the first leaves just mean they got leggy due to all the rain, or does it mean they weren't planted deeply enough? Is that the part that should be below ground, turning into a radish? Should I be adding a little soil along the radish rows to bury the stems? 

It probably seems funny that I'm asking for help with the plant most often recommended for toddlers to plant in My First Garden, but I really don't know anything about growing them. (And I always recommend winter squash for a child's first garden.) So any advice appreciated!



  1. It's so nice to see your seedlings.

    I usually associate legginess in seedlings with not enough sun. Are they getting too much shade?

  2. Good point, thanks Leigh. We've had an unbelievable number of rainy days, so sunlight has been in short supply.

  3. My leggy carrots eventually fixed themselves. The couple of cukes I've planted just produce like crazy!

    1. Congrats on the cukes! My cucumber seeds did not germinate. Nor did my Portuguese kale, so no caldo verde this year. But I have high hopes for the First Year of Carrots :)

  4. Hmm, not sure about the radishes, but I agree with Leigh, that usually indicates not enough sunlight. Why not try topping up some of them with soil and see what happens?

    1. I'm going to thin them more and then try adding a little soil to part of each radish row. It's quite possible the rains either packed down or washed away some the soil right after I planted the seeds - certainly now that plants are growing their true leaves, it's clear that some of the seeds migrated to different rows in both raised beds!

  5. In my extremely limited radish experience, these look perfectly normal. How fun to see your garden finally begin to grow!

    Chris from Boise

    1. I am quite giddy about finally seeing plants growing!

  6. Alas I'm no help with the radish question but I suspect, like others, that lack of sun could be to blame.


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