Saturday, January 21, 2023


 We've had snowfall.

 It has lasted more than a day.

Which makes a change, this year.

Looks kind of refreshing, doesn't it?



  1. Looks pretty. But maybe for just a day. I'm not a fan of really cold weather. Heck, we're in the 50's and I'm freezing. :/

  2. Beautiful in pictures. I'm not a fan in person, and we've had none at all this winter, just rain, which would have been massive snowfalls at a colder temp. I don't have to dig rain from my car, so it's fine, no flooding this year either.

  3. Looks pretty, when you're on the inside looking out...not so fun to be out in it because that load on the trees would be hell bent on falling down your neck.

  4. Very pretty. We'll be getting more this week!

  5. We've had such a mild January that it's sometimes hard to remember that it can be cold and snowy! Beautiful photographs.

    1. It's been crazy here, Leigh. It seems like the cold has FINALLY settled but then every week or so the temp suddenly rockets up into the 40s or higher. I was showering outdoors in December. What little snow we've had has dissolved into mud. Hoof care is the nightmare you can imagine.

  6. So pretty. I hope the ground is frozen too? We are still in the mud here, with rain, rain and more rain coming. Ugh.

    1. Mud here, too, until this storm followed on the heels of the previous. And now there's rain in the forecast again. Sigh.

  7. I hadn't realized your winter had been so brown. Count me among the snow-lovers. We finally had a good snowfall (4", good for here) and temps are cold through the next week or so. Yay!

    Chris from Boise

    1. It's been mostly mud with occasional dustings of mud-to-be. Very disconcerting. Any sightings of your owls?

  8. Yes! The owls are definitely interested in the nestbox. I'll post a YouTube link once I upload one of the recent interesting videos.


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