Wednesday, July 15, 2020

wordless wednesday



  1. These photos made me smile. Beautiful!

    1. I was completely surprised to find these lilies - had no idea they were there!

  2. Such a pretty pale color. A lot of my days are wordless ... trying to stay positive and motivated takes effort these days. Hope you are well.

    1. Very, very soft colors - and in the evening, the centers seem to take on a slightly golden hue. Quite amazing! And I hear you about the effort needed to stay motivated and positive. Very true for me, too.

  3. So pretty! I'm always cautious with lilies because some of them trigger my allergies - esp. those white Easter lilies. Those things are lethal (but oh so deceivingly pretty!).

    1. I don't know exactly what triggers my allergies, but Della and I seem to react to the same thing/s. She usually goes out right after breakfast, then comes back in and I can often tell by looking at her face what kind of day I'm going to have, in terms of breathing and swollen eyes.

  4. Someone sprinkled their throats with paprika. And those stamens!

    Chris from Boise


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