Saturday, February 16, 2019

still markmaking daily




  1. I immediately looked out the window here and there's a ghostly looking moon that looks very similar to this!

    1. This was my moon view last night during chores...maybe it took another day to make it up North :)

  2. What's the size? Really like this one.

  3. There is something about watercolor that is wonderfully appealing. Never could get the hang of it though.

    1. I recommend getting about two dollars worth of materials and putting all expectations in the recycling bin :)

  4. I love the colors of the sky around the moon. The sky looks cold and misty, which is such a common look these days! I really love your painting!

    1. Thanks, KB! This one started out as a painting of a very overcast sky observed between chores...the moon was making a soft glow across the part of the sky visible in a gap between trees. The next night when I did chores, there were big clouds moving rapidly in wisps across the moon - so I added them to the painting from the night before! :)


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