Wednesday, August 22, 2018

wordless wednesday



  1. awwww geez - it's raining again? Too bad you couldn't send at least some of it to the areas where there are such bad fires!

    1. Several nice days forecast now, so hope to make up for lost time. A bit.

  2. Replies
    1. Maybe later - the garden hasn't hit it's stride yet! I'm making bean salads as one way to enjoy pole beans, because I'm picking them at least every other day :)

  3. Quinn-your bean salad looks so good! My garden is almost done for this year, but maybe I can squeeze out a few more beans for a salad : )

    1. Thank you, Tipper :) I've got to buy an onion today so I can make a salad with the Sow True Seed Suyo Long cucumbers that are really producing right now - I'll be using your "recipe"!


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