Monday, May 29, 2017

memorial day



  1. One of the best parts of The Civil War series. So moving...

  2. So very touching. Thank you for sharing.

    The part where he apologizes makes me think of the email I just received from my ex-husband after 26 years. He said the older he gets, the more he feels the need to make amends with the people who impacted his life. He went on to say that although he can't change the past, he hoped for understanding. Honestly, I was so shocked. Definitely didn't sound at all like the guy I was married to so long ago. But 26 years is a very long time and obviously he's grown emotionally.

  3. That was incredibly moving and thought-provoking. I have yet to know a cause for which I would knowingly lay down my life. What a hero. And that was a "good" war - one that was fought for high moral reasons. Thank you so much for sharing it.

  4. Quinn-just wow. What a powerful video the letter makes me cry even though it was written so very long ago but the beauty of his love makes my heart happy. The girls play the song you can hear in the background - Ashokan Farewell.


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