Thursday, September 29, 2016

right now: goat vote round two

NB: Update at bottom of post

Well, it's the second level of voting for Pen 3.
Here's what the post looks like on FB:

If I understand the system, there are three levels of competition in each "Pen" before the winner of each Pen (there are 4 Pens, and each began with 20 goat pictures!) will go on to - I sincerely hope - the Final round.

So, if you'd like to vote for Tsuga and Lily - before 5 PM ET today - click here to go to the Chaffhaye FB page and leave a comment with the number 47.

Thanks again for all your support, both voting and sending good thoughts :)

9:10 PM update:

Well, Tsuga and Lily made it through Round Two...
 and will proceed to Round 3!
Thanks again for all your support.
Onward :)


  1. Alas it wouldn't let me without joining fb which I don't plan to. Best vibes to Tsuga!

  2. Thanks for your good wishes, Liz :)

  3. Voted!
    Seriously, your photo is the best one there.
    It was easy to vote this time despite the caption being weird on the post as in not having the names of the photo choices.

    1. Thanks very much :) Some days I have been finding it a total coin-toss which picture to vote for, because the goats in both pictures are just so dang cute!

  4. I didn't even know about this! Of course Tsuga and Lily should win! When is the next round of voting?

    1. It may be tomorrow (between the top 5 from Pen 3), or they may do all the Pen 4 individual match-ups first...I don't know...I have to check every morning to find out what's going on!

    2. And thanks for your support :) But I have to say, there are a LOT of cute goats out there, and many of them are in this contest. I'm trying to vote in the match-ups every day, and there are some days when I could just flip a coin, it's that hard to pick!

  5. Quinn - any ideas when the next match up might occur. I'm traveling, and opened my FB the other day to find your baby, by accident. I was the last vote in that day - hooray!


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