Sunday, September 20, 2015

everything put together falls apart*

Several things are falling apart at the same time here.
The good news is, they are things.

You already know about my trusty little camera. (Replacement ordered, arrangements made to recycle the one that's retiring.)
You may have heard me muttering about the laptop which has been a daily aggravation for a year. (Planned to replace it this month; now reconsidering.)
I can barely bring myself to type the words, but the Little Green SportsWagon - my faithful draftpony 2000 Elantra Wagon  - may need to be replaced before Winter; definitely by next Spring.
And yesterday, mid-cycle, my washing machine stopped washing.**

Good golly Miss Molly.

Deep breath.

Things. Not people, and thank goodness not animals. Just. Things.

Still, in an effort to bring some balance to my little universe, I'm going to spend this afternoon working on some sort of project I can tackle without spending any money. Fortunately, there are plenty to choose from :)

~ Wishing you a peaceful Sunday ~


*post title borrowed from Paul Simon

** That dyed jacket? Still soaking wet. There's just no substitute for the spin cycle, is there? ;)


  1. I hope you have a relaxing and pleasant afternoon.

    My old chipped paint take with me camera fell from the table the other day. Must be the super Moon lunar eclipse on the 27 September. :)

  2. yikes! Quinn, I'm sorry for all the aggravation and am reminded of the old saying...when it rains, it pours. Ain't it true of a lot of life!?
    A 'possible' solution to the computer problem...a netbook is less than $200 and if you use thumb drives, could tide you over for a while.
    Or, an Acer which is around $200 and is a mini-laptop; it's what Dave and I used when we traveled and I still use. It's probably 10 years old and still going strong.
    If you keep the vehicle thru the winter, it'll require thoughtful planning around storms.
    Be safe!

    1. If I do buy a computer - one with a monitor I can actually see an entire webpage on - my current laptop will become that mini-laptop you soon as I get it back from the factory where I will send it to be fixed as soon as I have something else to use! But yes, the vehicle thing is a pretty serious concern, if not for me then for the critters. No one delivers take-out around these parts, and the goats do like their grub!

  3. Oh dear on all the appliance and equipment woes. Are they all business expenses, I wonder. That can buffer the pain a bit. Speaking as someone driving a 99 civic, I hear the dismay when even Faithful Ole Paint starts to fail.

    1. Several of my friends drive Civics,,,they seem like very functional yet comfortable vehicles. I hope yours runs forever.
      Yes, I have a real feeling for my little wagon, which has served me well. I'd like to keep it running longer. For years and years and years longer,

  4. Great attitude about the things. I will pray that the work pony hangs in there a while longer so you can take another deep breath and save toward it.
    Hugs and Blessings.

    1. Thank you, Tonia! I admit the idea of looking for a replacement vehicle gives me a strong urge to just stay home and become a recluse instead. But this recluse would still need to get the hay home somehow! ;)

  5. Oh dear... deep breath! At least the flowers look lovely!

    1. Very very very lovely :) And when the purple wild asters appear it's the very beginning of a beautiful time of year!

  6. It's that conniving thing called "planned obsolescence"!!

    1. For the washer, it definitely is. And when I start talking about it, I sound exactly like my Dad. Some years back, he put up quite an argument when a repairman balked at fixing a 30-year-old dryer. And my Dad won :)

  7. Darn! I hate it when things break down or seem to go wrong all about the same time. But definitely, for sure, it could be worse, and they are just things that are replaceable at some point. Have a good week.

  8. Yeah, stuff. It breaks and I don't think it should. What a pain!

  9. It always seems that when one thing dies several more seem to want to be sympathetic and do the same. Hopefully you can find a new (or at least new-to-you) dependable means of transpo. Not nice to contemplate what could happen in the winter if you got stranded on the road somewhere.

    1. Thanks, that's a good point about winter travel (or not). So far, all I've been thinking about is the difficulty in keeping the goats fed! Thanks :)


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