Thursday, October 17, 2013

words change everything

I don't spend a lot of time on Twitter, but for about a year now it has been a very useful source of up-to-date information, and has provided a few good laughs as well.

Every now and then, a tweet really makes me think, or see something in a new way. I love that.

Today this popped up:

Not the kind of image that usually comes to mind when I think of tarantulas.

Wandering the foothills in the fall, looking for mates.

I think it's the "wander the foothills" phrase. Those low, gentle hills, rising toward the mountains. From a tarantula-viewpoint, the foothills themselves must loom as high as mountains.

The rustle of drying underbrush and the clear golden autumn air.

I can see it, I can feel it.

I can relate.

Well done, National Park Service tweet-composer. You have changed my view of tarantulas. And in a good way.

Thank you! @QuinnPiper



  1. Replies
    1. These two National Parks are in California. I didn't see tarantulas there, but it was in June, so during the "elusive" season, I suppose! ;)

  2. Quinn, interesting post and brought a smile to my face. Hopefully, foothills somewhere far, far...FAR...away from ME!

    1. I didn't include a picture because I didn't want to cause any reader recoils!

  3. Ha! Who knew you could actually learn something from Twitter. :) Have a great day. Tammy

    1. I know, right? I resisted Twitter for years, because it just sounded like a kind of silly timesink. Turns out, it can be quite helpful!

  4. It is true that a simple turn of phrase can bring a statement to life. I never visualized a spider "wandering the foothills" before!

    1. And to catch it, you'd have to put a trailcam VERY low, wouldn't you? ;)
      Ha, come to think of it, I see a lot of spider action on my goatcam in the barn, because a spider often builds a web on the beam where the camera is mounted. Too close for focus, though.

  5. I think it's left me with the sense that tarantulas need boots and backpacks and a come-hither aftershave ;)


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