Monday, January 20, 2025

this day

 teacup feeder:

teacup feeder this morning:

It snowed all night and was very cold. It was still single digits during an early round of checking and feeding. When I headed back inside, dawn was breaking:

And by noon the world was quite dazzling:

I hope you were able to find some beauty in this day.



  1. There was sunshine today. My car started. I made some great mayo. Watched some fun mindless videos about gracious homes, with hats and horses. Fumbled a new glove design. Could have been worse.
    It was still a dark day.
    Take care, Quinn.

  2. It was pretty! Did not get out skiing - maybe tomorrow if the trails aren't too bad? But spent the day sewing... I feel accomplished!

    1. It was about 8" of powder all the way down here. Is that good for skiing? If so, I hope you get a chance. And in sewing terms, I would feel accomplished if I threaded my Featherweight!

  3. My boys in Denver have been in a snowy world since Friday night. I am not a fan of cold at all so don't know how long I would last. Sure does look magical though, at least for a while. Warm wishes, Tammy

    1. If it's not windy, I find the cold much easier to deal with. But it really is QUITE cold again today so I won't be dallying over chores.

  4. MLK celebration today - a good thing to focus on. Send snow our way :-)

    Chris from Boise

    1. You're still not getting snow? We've had a few light storms, but this is the biggest accumulation so far - about 8 inches I estimate. SO much better than ice or rain!

  5. I had a quiet, news-free day. Very busy all day, keeping my mind from dwelling on the darkness descending.
    Your day looks beautiful. Cold and beautiful.

    1. Same. And with the attention span of a gnat.

  6. I agree that winter can be pretty - provided I'm on the inside looking out!


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