Wednesday, July 17, 2024

july colors


Just a few samples from the palette of July.



  1. Beautiful, thank you. The palette at my house is mainly many shades of green! All the rain.

    1. That's why the flowers are all close-ups. Any other view is overwhelmingly a variety of greens, like the view into the branches.

  2. Replies
    1. I love it when the bee balm really takes off, with daylilies popping up here and there.

  3. So lovely to see your July colors. We've had such a hot dry spell that our summer color is pretty much gone into waiting. Rain is on the way, though, so thirsty plants will be able to thrive again!

    1. It seems like Deluge-or-Drought is the new Feast-or-Famine.

  4. Lovely photos
    Here in Vermont, I notice there's more blue hickory blooming now instead of in August.

    1. I'm going to have to look up blue hickory - thanks! I love learning new trees, or new names for familiar trees :)

  5. Beautiful close-ups! The blush of the milkweed is particularly nice. That beebalm petal struck a praying mantis pose for you. Has it been as wet a summer as last year? I hope you've had enough sunshine to keep your spirits up and the paddocks un-muddy.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Milkweed flowers are amazing, aren't they? The colors, the textures, the complexity. I enjoy them so much! Weather? It's been much wetter than I'd like it, but if folks are able to make hay in the next few weeks (fingers crossed) I will breathe easier than last year, for sure. Lots of people are holding their breath just a bit right now, and I am one of them. Thanks for the good thoughts, Chris :)

  6. Picture-postcard worthy photos! Everything seems to be early this year but maybe it's just all in my mind.

    1. At this point, I think it's hard to know when to "expect" anything, weatherwise.

  7. So pretty! You sure have an eye for catching a unique view, Quinn!

    1. What a nice thing to say - thank you, Sue!


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