Saturday, June 29, 2024


June 2024: a month of very high heat and frequent rain.

Most days, the first thing I do when I come in from chores is peel off and throw all my wet clothes into the dryer for a few minutes, so I can put them on again for the next round without gritting my teeth. Because knowing that I'll be soaked to the skin again two minutes after stepping out the door doesn't make it easier to put on wet jeans. 

Or maybe I'm just getting soft.

The morning after the evening when I didn't turn the empty feed pan upside down.

But we've also had some June days of bright blue skies and sunshine and - that icing on the cake of a sunny day - a refreshing breeze. I've tried to take a leaf from Betula's book and not waste a moment of those days:

It's raining this afternoon, but it was quite nice this morning. 

The daylilies are blooming:

And the bee balm is just on the brink:

I'm thinking about making a big bowl of cold tahini ramen, and I'm also thinking about making a big kettle of lentil soup. It's that kind of day.



  1. I know what you mean about having to put on damp clothes! I dislike putting clean clothes on when I'm sticky and sweaty too. Seems odd to be so fussy! Lovely daylilies. Lovely Betula.

    1. It is funny, isn't it? I can work in wet clothes for hours if need be, but getting into clothes while they're still damp? Ugh!

  2. I'd be with you in the not wanting to put on damp clothes...just plain yewww. Betula looks as though she has a perfect lounging spot and hopefully has a view of the pretty flowers too.

  3. Nope, not soft. Wet jeans are the worst. I feel for you.


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