Saturday, June 8, 2024

first of the year

 Always an exciting moment: the first iris began to bloom here this week. One of the little blue or purple ones in the garden between the barns. It's a reminder to keep checking on the big bearded iris plants in the bank garden by the driveway; they start out looking strong but can be overpowered by bittersweet and other creeping, clinging plants if I don't visit frequently with pruners in hand.



  1. Iris are a wonderful shape, just right to invite drawing and painting. Mine have vanished under other plants and alas I don't have the strength now to lift them.

    1. Maybe one of your plant-loving neighbors would lend a hand?

    2. They keep planning to and not doing it!

  2. Wow. The very last of mine are blooming now and you're just starting? It's amazing how sunshine and altitude affect how plants grow! Enjoy those irises. :-)

    1. I think yours have access to a lot more sunlight than mine, but these little ones are also being overtaken by goutweed - last year I could barely find the iris leaves to rescue in time to bloom.

  3. Irises are such a showy flower and you've certainly done yours justice with your drawing.

    1. I love irises - and they are irresistible to draw. Thanks for the encouragement :)

  4. Your sketch captures the shape perfectly!


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