Wednesday, June 21, 2023

nearly wordless wednesday

sketched from Vincent van Gogh's
"Landscape with Pollard Willows"

the spiderwort is blooming!

horse brass remnant,
found by @scottylar



  1. Your tree sketch shouts that the tree has a lot to say.

    1. Sketching from van Gogh's paintings is such an interesting exercise! Do you ever sketch from other people's paintings? I should do more of it.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks so much - I sometimes wonder if I'm boring people when I post the Daily Markmaking, so I really appreciate the positive feedback!

  3. Have you read the wonderful book "Sprout Lands", by William Bryant Logan? I always found pollarded trees to be grotesque, but Logan explains the science and history behind pollarding and coppicing. When a friend told me about the book, I thought quietly to myself "Bo-o-o-o-ring", but having read it - it was my favorite book of that year. Great writing. Now I'm intrigued by Van Gogh's painting (and your markmaking).

    Chris from Boise

    1. I'll make a note of that suggestion, thanks :) I know a bit about coppicing and pollarding - and cork harvesting - but "favorite book of the year" is a pretty strong recommendation!

  4. I haven't heard of pollard willows and now I'm off to 'do a google' to find out more.

    1. Pollarding and coppicing are the kind of thing you start seeing once you know what you are looking at. If that makes sense! :)


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