Friday, April 21, 2023

random snapday


Last week we had, in no particular order, temps ranging from high 80s to below freezing. During one of the warmer days, the outdoor shower was unpacked again - huzzah! Shower Assembly Day is now right up there with Hose Installation Day (which also happened last week) as a celebratory seasonal event. Hose Day signals the seasonal end of carrying bucket after bucket of water from the house to the paddocks every day. Being able to clean and fill all the waterers "on the spot" is a thrill which does not get old.


The goldfinches are coloring up!

There is a small flock of goldfinches at the feeders every day. More than any other birds here, the goldfinches spend more time trying to scold each other away from the feeders than they spend actually eating, which is a pity because there is plenty of room and plenty of seed for all of them.


From the "What A Difference A Week Makes" department...

sugar maple (Acer saccharum), 16 April (above) and today:


The black flies are here. They began to roll in a couple of days ago, and apparently have now caught up on all their tiny housekeeping tasks, and can devote themselves to biting. Which means it's time for me to pull out all the spray bottles of herbal concoctions and check my notes from last year to see what worked best and what the goats hated least.

Wish me luck.


Are you planning some nice things to do this weekend? So far, the only plan I've come up with is "make a trip to the dump" so clearly advice is needed!



  1. I swear that black flies (and mosquitoes...and wasps) are the creations of the devil. The weather just gets nice enough to enjoy and along come the critters hell bent on consuming all our blood. Hope you find your notes and something that helps to keep them at bay.

    1. I wish I knew of a "good reason" for mosquitoes and the like to exist. It might make it easier to deal with them. I've asked other environmental science folk, but no help there.

  2. We haven't gotten our hoses out, but we need to this weekend! Fractious finches! They're so silly. Good luck with the goats!

  3. Hose day sounds like my kind of day. It's amazing how seemingly small things can create so much appreciation for them. It always gives me a sense of gratefulness.


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