Friday, December 9, 2022

another nation heard from




  1. Replies
    1. Isn't it? I always love the varied neutral shades of the shells, but that pale blue-green from Velvet the Hen is very distinctive :)

  2. Is she an araucana, or whatever the name is, that make wonderful pastel colored eggs. I guess they're the usual yellow and white inside?

    1. There's a murkiness about the breed, if it is a breed, but yes, Velvet and her sister Tetisheri are the sort of hen known for making pretty blue/green-shelled eggs. Standard colors on the inside :)

  3. It's been a long time since I've had chickens that lay green eggs. They certainly are pretty!

    1. I've enjoyed watching the chicks grow up - so different from any others I've raised. I HAVE been tempted to find those Marans that lay dark brown eggs, but gosh they are expensive!

  4. Replies
    1. I wonder if the other hen's eggs will be the same. I'm guessing slightly different.

  5. Eggs are so perfect. What a lovely collection!

    We included a Welsummer in our last batch of chicks, because of the "dark rich terracotta brown" eggs. Well, not so much - but pretty anyway. I don't know if Marans lay truer dark eggs. (Just did a quick Google search:

    I do love Aracauna/Americauna eggs, but our two hens of that "breed" were quite skittish. We may try them again someday.

    Chris from Boise


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