Wednesday, November 2, 2022

wordless wednesday




  1. Beautiful! Most of the leaves are down here, sadly.

    1. More down here every day, but I'm enjoying the ones that are hanging on :)

  2. Replies
    1. It's a grand red oak - one of the last trees holding onto a good many leaves. Sometimes I knit under it, in a chaise, usually with Moxie.

  3. Lovely! Out here the leaves are hanging on, and on, and on...and I, who am greedy for about 30 bagfuls for our garden, am getting impatient. It's quite amazing to continue to have fall colors into November.

    Chris from Boise

    1. We've had so many leaves come down just in the past 2 days, my views have changed dramatically. Do you compost the leaves, or grind them up for mulch, or ???

    2. 1) chicken coop bedding (if we're lucky to collect dry leaves)
      2) compost (if possible, we mow this to chop it up)
      3) winter garden mulch (not ground up)
      4) 3-4" on top of cardboard where we're removing lawn to put in more interesting things. (This is in a neighbor's yard).

      It's so ...enlightening? I think that's the word I want... to see the seasonal views change so much. So many surprises - all the squirrel dreys up in the trees, the occasional bird nest right beside a path and unnoticed all summer, hornet nests (thankfully unnoticed till now), etc.

    3. That's a lot of leaves! Last year I tried filling barrels with leaves and my Occasional Helper brought his strimmer and cut them up a bit, so I could try to out-mulch the goutweed. Spoiler alert: the goutweed prevailed. Worth a try!


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