Wednesday, February 19, 2020

nearly wordless watercolor wednesday

Little bronze Apis Bull.
Egypt 26th Dynasty. ~664-525 BCE


archaeologist Ann Axtell Morris
(fanciful interpretation of field photograph)

dusk, at home


  1. Hard to pick a favorite! I really like the oval around the iris.

    1. Thank you, Sally :) I wish you would help me pick out a little painted postcard to donate to the Twitter Art Exhibition this year - it's proving to be a challenge.

  2. Nice! I like the iris too - just my colours!

    1. I'm making an effort to use more/deeper colors - I tend to use light colors and low contrast, and need to expand!

  3. Because I have no mark making talent or skills, I am always awed by these. I love "dusk, at home" a lot. How long does each of these take to make?

    1. Gosh, I don't know, KB! Sometimes I get engrossed and work for hours, and sometimes I feel like a sketch is "done" in a short time. And I don't think the time involved necessarily shows in the finished piece. That very simple Apis Bull started with a watercolor pencil sketch made at the Museum (the bronze is only about 5 inches high, and was in a glass case), which I then worked up into a painting at home, and reworked a couple of times, until I was afraid the paper would fall apart :)


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