Sunday, October 27, 2019

sunday review of saturday snaps

The light was lovely yesterday.

I took a break between chores and we went to the woods.

Result: a perfectly happy Piper, doing what she loves most.

Piper was off-lead the whole time.
We spent more than an hour rambling.

Look at this face:

Maybe you've heard the old saying: 
"You can always tell the cobbler's kids - they've got no shoes."

Well, here's a photographer's Self-Portrait With Hound.

I've been a photographer since 1989.
Have had more images published than I can recall.
Have had work exhibited in museums.
I made an effort. This was the best result.
Cannot stop laughing.

It's raining here today, which means postponing the planting of the new blueberry bush - the first one I've ever bought - and the transplanting of all the strawberries into the new raised bed I almost finished filling yesterday. I thought the soil and muck layers should have a chance to settle before adding the strawberry plants, and this rain is certainly going to help with that settling process. I hope the bed will still look almost full when I go out to check later! It's two feet deep, 32 inches wide, and 6 feet long, and required a lot of shoveling and pitchforking and dragging of muck-filled bins. Transplanting the strawberries - the ones I grew this year - will be a piece of cake by comparison, even if I end up doing it in the rain.

 Is your weekend going well?
I hope so, and I hope you feel like this:



  1. Yesterday was wonderful here too before today's heavy rain and blustery winds arrived.

    Well, I was excited at the chance of actually seeing Quinn..oh well..

  2. Love the lichen. What a beautiful day to be out. Today was so soggy - good for baking and quilting.

    Your self portrait made me smile.

    1. Soggy indeed. And getting soggier, or in the case of the mud by the barn gate, deeper and squelchier!

  3. The leaves are absolutely glowing. So beautiful. We actually had a couple of days of rain here which is much needed. Just hoping we don't have the horrible storms and flooding like last year. Take care and have a good week.

    1. I'm glad you got some rain, Tammy! And not too much all at once. I hope there is more of the same non-extreme weather headed your way :)

  4. Piper does indeed look happy (and I wonder if maybe the same expression might have been found on your face too!!). Especially love the photo bombing!

    1. You're right - my expression is much the same :)


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