Wednesday, September 11, 2019

wordless wednesday



  1. Lovely, peaceful pictures, especially that very pensive goat at the end.

    1. That's Campion, trying to work out how to get into the vegetable garden :)

  2. Looks like you are enjoying nice weather. It's only 92 at 8 a.m. this morning so we are finally, slowly, starting to cool down. Still above 100 each day but that will hopefully change over the next weeks. Have a good weekend.

    1. We've been alternating: gorgeous, rainy (like today), and the occasional muggy day to remind us to appreciate every moment of the gorgeous days!

  3. Is that a Monarch butterfly? I haven't seen one in decades... We do have milkweed around here although it won't grow on our land... (could be my occasionally black thumb!).

    BTW, the greenhouse is up and working - there's still a little work to be done before it snows so that it's all ready to go very early next year. I have one BIG red tomato, lots of cherry tomatoes, and then lots of big green tomatoes (probably won't make it...). That's pretty good for a July 15 planting! I can't wait for next year!

    1. Yes! After my first exciting single Monarch of last year, this year has been amazing! One morning there were THREE on the fence by my barn, and after I had quietly admired each one before walking on into the paddock, one of them flew right over and landed on my collarbone!
      I'm so glad to hear your greenhouse is a "go" - huzzah! And you probably know you can use those green tomatoes in a couple of different ways. When I lived on the farm in Berthoud, I pulled up my tomato plants in Autumn, hung them upside down in the barn, and most of the green tomatoes ripened! But I also made a green tomato chutney that was excellent. Thanks for reminding me - I may do that again this year if I can find the recipe. I've got loads of green tomatoes right now.


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