Monday, December 24, 2018

early on the eve

Not yet daylight and I heard an odd little rattling sound I could not identify.
Switched on the lamp to see the innocent face of Moxie, who clearly was not just whacking at the strings of lights on the tree. Would never dream of doing such a thing.

Five minutes later:

Happy Christmas Eve morning, everyone.
May all your trees remain upright!


  1. Happy Christmas!
    There's a great joy for a cat to have an indoor tree.

    1. I'm beginning to think a smaller tree might have provided adequate joy with considerably less risk ;)

  2. You must have misheard. Certainly. LOL. Merry Christmas!

    1. I was probably dreaming ;)
      Merry Christmas to you and yours, Sally!

  3. Ha-ha! There's always mischief when there's a kitty (or two) around. Merry Christmas!

    1. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Tammy - and especially the aptly-named Jingles!

  4. My friend's two Bernese mountain dogs had to be firmly reminded that the Christmas tree is not intended as indoor plumbing for dogs..

  5. Our Mitzy used to think it was her duty to closely inspect the inside of the tree and often fell asleep on the job. She never once knocked off any ornaments which always amazed us.


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