Tuesday, February 6, 2018

today in pictures



  1. Great pictures. Love the little birdies. That blowing snow sure looks like it is awful cold out there. Your drawing portrays the colors in the photos perfectly. Warm wishes, Tammy

    1. Thanks so much, Tammy. I do enjoy watching the birds at the feeders - busy from before dawn til nearly dark!

  2. Replies
    1. Al winter, all the time - it's snowing heavily (again) right now!

  3. Goats in the snow! I'm getting snow now - so I'm sure you have more goats in the snow. :-) The snow on the thistle is cool.

    1. Ha! Yes, I just posted several snowy goats :)
      Oh, I see it does look like a thistle! but it's actually bee balm - that is one wild plant. When I try to draw or paint it, it always looks like I'm making it up!

  4. Oh - brrr! It's bad enough over here! Love that first, atmospheric, shot; and impressed by the artwork...

    1. Thanks very much, Mike. That first picture was the moment the sun very briefly appeared - I happened to be between barns with a camera in my pocket so caught a lucky shot.

  5. It's really winter there. I love the photos and the fun perspectives on the goats. Your watercolor is perfect for the day. We need winter here or we will burn up this summer. Please send it our way!

    1. I wish I could send it your way - the prospect of a tinderbox summer is very unsettling, I know. Here's hoping you'll get a series of deep snows very soon!

  6. Curious to know what kind of birdies those are? Love that first picture especially.

    1. It's a Tufted Titmouse - they are so pretty :)


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