Wednesday, June 14, 2017

wordless wednesday



  1. Replies
    1. Salt marshes have all my favorite colors :)

  2. Very pretty. I'm doing an index card a day challenge on Instagram. Not always easy to come up with something related to the prompt. Some people have already dropped out. But I'm trying to hang in there, stretching my brain each day, not worrying about perfection, just having fun. :)

    1. Sounds like fun, Tammy! I'll look forward to seeing some on your blog :)

  3. It looks like a bog with beautiful grass in between little "ponds". I love it!

    1. Thanks, KB - and you're very close - it's a view over a salt marsh, looking landward. Based on a photograph I saw online, from an area where I once lived. Between the rain and the biting bugs, I haven't done any "on-site" sketching yet this year.


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