Wednesday, September 21, 2016

heads-up right now contest alert

NB: Update at bottom of post

Remember the Chaffhaye feed contest that began a month ago?
It's FINALLY Tsuga and Lily's turn for the first round voting!

If their picture gets more votes in this one-on-one round,
they will progress to the next level of voting.

Here's the Facebook page link. A comment with #47 is a vote. 
Voting ends at 5PM ET today.

Here's what the voting post looks like.

Thanks to everyone who has asked me about this since I first posted; otherwise I would have been reluctant to bring it up again on the blog. It seems very me-me-me, but it's really feed for them-them-them! And Chaffhaye clearly wants everyone to ask all their friends to come and vote, so...

(looking down, shuffling feet, twisting toe of barn boot in the mud)

Thanks :)

p.s. If my link to the voting page doesn't work, just look for Chaffhaye on Facebook. There are only a couple of pairs being voted for each day - which is why this contest is going on soooooo looooong - so it shouldn't take long to find the picture.

9 PM Update:
the voting was close, but Tsuga and Lily will "proceed to the next level."
So far, so good!
Thanks to everyone who voted and/or sent good wishes :)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sally :) I just got home from the feed store. it's almost 5PM, and I'm afraid to check the FB page... The Drama!!

  2. I have 3 facebook accounts and all of them love #47. :)

    1. Um...not sure how that works? But FB is likely to remain a mystery to me for the most part. I've felt like I was doing well every time I managed to find the Chaffhaye page.

  3. I have zero Facebook accounts, otherwise I'd send lots of love to #47.

    I replied to your comment yesterday, but got a return notification that delivery failed. Sometimes that happens but the email actually does go through. Can you let me know? Thanks. :)

    1. We appreciate the love very very much anyway!!
      No, I didn't get your reply. I noticed a while ago that many, many blogs don't send me updates on comments anymore, even though they used to and I check the box to request it. Just like there are several blogs where I cannot leave comments anymore, or I leave them but they get junked. Why? I'm still a nice person!
      It's another mystery. Like...facebook ;)

  4. Shoot! I don't have Facebook either and can't vote without it. Obviously, Lily & Tsuga are winners with me. Lily has such an angel face. Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Wendy :) One interesting thing about this experience: I've always thought I was about the only person I know who is not on FB...turns out a LOT of my friends are not!

  5. I just had my first chance to check out blogs today... and I incorrectly fixed the time zone in my head... ran over to FB... and found out that you'd advanced! I'm so glad that my lateness didn't mess things up. Please remind us! I love voting for your goats!!!!

  6. Yay!
    Sorry I read about late. A few days ago I searched to find where the goat photo contest is and didn't find it on their website. They don't make it easy. Instructions how to enter are okay. How to vote not so much.


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