Thursday, December 24, 2015


It's been raining and raining. The paddocks are turning into deep, slippery mud, and yesterday I had to turn on lamps at 2PM, the house was so dark. Rain is predicted for three of the next four days.


We have turned the corner, if "corner" really applies to something as roundish as the Earth (not quite round but slightly bulging, isn't it?) and it's orbit (not round at all; elliptical). Well gosh, this analogy is certainly getting away from me. Okay, forget "turning the corner." We have somehow - wonderfully, miraculously - moved past the longest night of the year and are now growing "lighter" by the day.

What better way to celebrate than by planning the garden?

This week I received an order from one of my favorite companies, Sow True Seed. They even included a little surprise: pretty envelopes for saving my own seed next year. Nice!

Traditionally, I have waited til the long depths of February to start perusing the seed catalogs. But it felt so right to hold seeds in my hand at the Winter Solstice. I think December is going to be the new tradition.


  1. Great idea for the holidays!

    Today upper 60ºF forecast, I'm thinking about wearing my sandals, rain or no rain.

    1. At this point, wearing my falling-apart boots has much the same effect as wearing sandals. Guess I shouldn't have waited for a post-holiday sale to buy new boots? So much mud!

  2. Heat wave here was 15 degrees celcius yesterday and I think it's even warmer today. We've had a succession of dull rainy days and today it's very windy and the clouds are scudding really fast, but at least it's allowing little glimmers of sun here and there. Living in the apartment means I do miss the annual choosing of the seeds from the catalog. We always managed to buy far too many!

    1. I over-gardened yet under-produced in 2015. Next year I'm narrowing my focus a bit and hope to have more to show for my labors :)

  3. Same here in KY. 67 degrees and forecasting higher temps and rain for next 4 days. Iv'e got a couple of flowers in hanging posts actually blooming again.
    I anxiously awaiting for my seed cataloges.
    Merry Christmas and keep them babies dry 8-)

    1. The goats chose to stay in the barns and await Room Service this morning...and I don't blame them a bit! Squelch, squelch squelch.

  4. We're experiencing a lot of rain too, making for a very soggy Christmas so far.

    Thank you for the link to the seed company. It's one I've not heard of and I'm always interested in seed companies!

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Oh Leigh, I think you will really like these folks!

  5. I have various little bags of seeds from last year's marigolds. And yes, it seems like a good idea to start as early as you want with planning. Considering I have a few square feet to plant, and a lot of perennials already established in there, I don't have a lot of room. But I keep wondering about a vertical garden on the fence...

  6. With our mild winter I probably could even start my seeds in December, but I think I'll still wait until February :)

  7. Have you seen the soft cover over sized seed book by Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co? Copies are all over, found them at $ Store and at Sam's Club, with discount, and it's a lovely book. Never mind ordering, perusing was wonderful.


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