Saturday, August 8, 2015

saturday snapshot

A rare playful moment from Lily

I'd been sitting and visiting with Tansy and Fern,
when I turned and found, right at eye-level,
this soft fuzzy nose.
The usually-aloof Lily
had decided to sneak up and surprise me.

I hope your weekend brings surprises
that make you laugh!


  1. Hi Quinn, I have been doing some reading trying to catch up with my friends. It feels as though I have been gone for a long time,. The summer has been very busy for me. I liked your picture. We have been having a lot of storms in our area. Take care . Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend Shirley

    1. I hope your summer is going well, Shirley! I'll bet your grandkids will be starting school again soon, and then what will you do with all your time? ;)

  2. Wonderful! Thank you for sharing
    Lily is a charmer.

  3. I do like an animal with a sense of humor!

  4. I also love an animal with a sense of humor; makes the work enjoyable.

    1. Very true. I just said to someone the other day that it's probably impossible to spend much time with the goats without sooner or later laughing out loud.

  5. She's smiling! And it always feels special when a standoffish animal wants to engage in some human activity. I love those moments.

  6. That's a wonderful surprise. I bet it made your heart sing to see that soft nose reaching for you!

  7. Replies
    1. Well, I wanted you all to have the authentic experience of a goat nose at VERY close range :)

  8. Could you resist kissing that fuzzy nose?

    1. I wouldn't dare! It could set back Lily's interest in human contact for months. But my big wether Betula will actually reach his nose out and gently touch a person's cheek - not something I ever expected in a goat, and especially not in a big rough-and-tumble boyo!

  9. Just look at those soft looking whiskers!


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